Captain Name: Sergetakis George
Captain Nationality: Greek
Number of Crew: 3
Position: Captain
Name: Sergetakis George
Date of birth: 1980
Nationality: Greek
Languages: English, Greek
George has been onboard yachts for a lot of years and became Captain of VENALI at the end of 2017. He has worked his way up through many levels in the yachting industry. With several thousand sea miles under his belt – both coastal and deep sea – he has a thorough knowledge of the technical aspects of a yacht as well as a wealth of charter experience. He is the perfect host and ensures that guests have an outstanding and memorable charter experience.
Position: Deckhand
Name: Catena Felipe
Date of birth: 1977
Nationality: Philippines
Languages: English, Filipino, Greek
Felipe is 41 years old from and he started boating at a very young age. Is fast learning and enjoys being challenged. He enjoys working as part of a team, and work well with all personalities. Felipe is confident in his role on deck and has adapted previous skills and knowledge from his past daywork experiences. He is highly self-motivated and a hard worker.
Position: Cook – Stewardess
Name: TBA